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Browsing posts in: Consulting

A New Chapter – Full Time Authoring

Today marks a new chapter in my professional career. It isn’t a new start. It isn’t a career change. It isn’t a new book in the life of Lars. However, it is tremendously exciting, and even more so as I haven’t been able to talk about it until now.

From today I am a full-time author with Melbourne based A Cloud Guru (ACG). Some of you might have heard of them especially in the AWS world. They are an up and coming online learning content provider, that has a focus on not only high quality content, but also entertaining material that won’t make you fall asleep.

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Using Happiness as a Career Path

Happiness is a very lose term and it means something different to each person. Pretty much everyone can agree that happiness is something we want in our life and we often strive to achieve. In this article I first published for gooroo.io I explore how you can make it part of your every day work routine and how you can make a living out of being happy.

I would imagine most people aren’t sure what they want to do as a career for the rest of their lives when they come out of high school, university or whatever their last educational step might be. You can’t know every possibility that is available to you, and you probably never will. I worked as an accountant, a teacher, a cinema usher, customer support and fruit & vegetable sales person. And those were all before I started my computer science degree. My point is that you won’t always know what you are good at, what you find exciting or what you want to do for years and years, until you do it.

In this article I’ll share some tips on finding your passion and making a living from it. Tips that have worked for me and that I still live by. Tips for using happiness as a career path, and not just as an occasional state of mind.

Do what you love

It is a cliche and you have probably heard the same advice from a hundred different people. “Do what you love and you will never hate your job”. It isn’t always as easy as that of course and I have had a number of jobs including fruit and vegetable sales person, accountants assistant, consultant, customer support and billing systems engineer, before I found what I really loved doing. Although I didn’t love all those jobs on their own, I now acknowledge that they were all part of my journey to find the right work for me. Without those jobs, some more fun and interesting than others, I wouldn’t have been where I am today.

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Using Geo-Location in Your Web App

I am currently building a new web product that relies on client location to a large extent. During the development I had to learn about the geo-location API for use within HTML5 compatible browsers, and thought I’d share how simple it is to use. Article first published on gooroo.io.

The use of GPS data has become second nature for most everyday tasks. The most common scenario of finding your way from A to B using GPS is obvious, but there are a lot of other uses as well. When you ask to find the nearest store on a company website, GPS is used. When you log into Facebook in a foreign country and you subsequently get ads for all of the Swedish natural foods you can eat, GPS is used. When you ask Google to remember where you parked your car, GPS is used. And many more ways.

Using GPS in your web app is not difficult, but there are a few points to note and some pit falls to avoid. This article will show you how to use the GPS hardware on the user’s device, and then take that one step further to use Google’s Map API to reverse geo-code the result and make it some kind of useful.

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6 Ways to Add More Hours to Your Day

Mentoring is a very broad term in my vocabulary, but it covers all the things that make people better at being people. I tend to focus on peoples’ strengths and not their deficiencies. Doing that means you get more positivity in your life and the sense of achievement and momentum increases dramatically. This article focuses on some of the things you can do to create more time to do what you are good at. First published on gooroo.io.

Over the last year I have started doing a lot of mentoring of mainly technical people. Based on almost 20 years of experience in the technology industry I found that I have formed routines and procedures that can be beneficial to lots of other people. Especially within the tech-community there are a large number of people who, in my opinion, could benefit immensely from having a mentor in their life to help them move forward, set goals, achieve more and be more.

I find it highly satisfying to help people be more than they thought they could be, and lead them on a path of success and achievement. The one thing I hear from all of them consistently is “how do I find more time in my day to do more?”


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Europe Trip 2017 – All the Things!

I am writing this as I sit in a comfortable Danish train on first class enjoying the space and enjoying the expectation of what lies ahead. As I zoom towards Hamburg to pick up the family and spend three weeks in Europe visiting friends, family and discovering new places, I think back of the last three and a bit mad weeks. The biggest trip I have ever done in terms of conferences, user groups, presentations, workshop and so much more.

Having been travelling for conferences and other work commitments extensively for the past 4 years, I have now come to a point, where any travel needs not only expose my brand and my content to a new and larger audience, but I also need to be able to fill out any spare time with other work and exposure. Being a freelancer and independent software developer, my time is always in demand, either for paying bills, building brand or, of course, spending with my family. Every decision to spend time away from home needs to be an absolute win.

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How to Build a Personal Brand

[This article was first posted on gooroo.io]

I have been freelancing as a software developer and architect for almost two years now and I have got a lot of valuable experiences from it. The reason I was able to start being my own boss was a combination of things, but it was in large part due to a personal brand I have built up. I had for a long time been doing several things to build a brand that is me, but is also recognizable and opens doors in the right places. In this article I will describe some of the things that enabled me to do what I love and significantly propel my career in a direction of my choice. All of these topics might not apply to you, but they are part of my journey. Take what you can use and leave the rest.

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10 Tips to Winning at Freelancing

This article was first posted on gooroo.io

1. Don’t expect “normal” work hours

I worked in a 9-5 job for almost 15 years and you get used to “clocking on” and “clocking off”. When you are off work, you go home (or somewhere else) and work takes a backseat until the next work day. Being a freelancer, you have the freedom to plan your own day, your own week, your own month. You are in charge, but you will find that some days you have to work 14 hours, because you might have paid work, you need to quote on upcoming work, you are having lunch with a new connection, you are responding to an existing client, and the list goes on. Some days you won’t have any commitments at all, and it is up to you to make the most of the time. Most of your days will not be from 9 to 5, because you are no longer in a normal job. You are taking charge and creating opportunities, which leads me to….

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Updating Website Performance with Cloudflare

As some of my readers know I am co-host of the podcast The Dane & The Pain, a weekly show on tech, life and my co-host’s beard. As our show grows, the traffic to the website increases and being a tech show we wanted to make sure we follow the latest web standard to a certain degree. I don’t mean go all NSA proof and fine tune every single thing, but rather have a good set of practices in alignment with the current industry benchmarks. To be honest I am okay with spy agencies getting unencrypted access to my joke of the week.

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10 Tips to Becoming a Better Public Speaker


I have been doing a lot of public speaking over the last few years. I enjoy talking to people and both teaching and being taught. I have done small user group talks and very large conference talks and I enjoy them all. Once in a while I have a fellow geek come up to me and ask how he or she can also be a public speaker and if I have any tips for them. I am always happy to share and improve the overall pool of speakers and the quality of them. So if my tips are helpful, all the better. I decided to finally write down the 10 best ones and most asked, so at least everybody can benefit and share. Continue Reading

Going Solo – 5 Tips to Being an Independent Software Consultant

[This article was first published on gooroo.io]

I recently decided to do my own thing and be working for myself. This was not a decision that came overnight or easily, but rather required a lot of planning, hard work and dedication. Since then I have had a number of people not only congratulate me (which is nice) and wish me luck (which I hope I don’t need), but also ask “how do you do it?” My interpretation of this is not “How did you manage to quit your job”, but instead “How can you do it and not be completely petrified, stressed and worried about how you’ll support your family?” And that is a fair thought and question, hence I decided to try and provide some points of guidance on how to get to a point where you can be a master of your own time too.

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