Happiness is a very lose term and it means something different to each person. Pretty much everyone can agree that happiness is something we want in our life and we often strive to achieve. In this article I first published for gooroo.io I explore how you can make it part of your every day work routine and how you can make a living out of being happy.
I would imagine most people aren’t sure what they want to do as a career for the rest of their lives when they come out of high school, university or whatever their last educational step might be. You can’t know every possibility that is available to you, and you probably never will. I worked as an accountant, a teacher, a cinema usher, customer support and fruit & vegetable sales person. And those were all before I started my computer science degree. My point is that you won’t always know what you are good at, what you find exciting or what you want to do for years and years, until you do it.
In this article I’ll share some tips on finding your passion and making a living from it. Tips that have worked for me and that I still live by. Tips for using happiness as a career path, and not just as an occasional state of mind.
Do what you love
It is a cliche and you have probably heard the same advice from a hundred different people. “Do what you love and you will never hate your job”. It isn’t always as easy as that of course and I have had a number of jobs including fruit and vegetable sales person, accountants assistant, consultant, customer support and billing systems engineer, before I found what I really loved doing. Although I didn’t love all those jobs on their own, I now acknowledge that they were all part of my journey to find the right work for me. Without those jobs, some more fun and interesting than others, I wouldn’t have been where I am today.
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