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Windows 10 for Mobile – The Full Experience

[This article was first posted on gooroo.io]

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Recently Microsoft announced they intended to cut some 7800 jobs, mainly from their acquired Nokia division. While these are real jobs and I have full sympathy for the people that are about to lose their position, it was also a necessary step for Microsoft to not get stuck in the past and continue to move forward. Unfortunately, the way it was announced by the tech giant was unfortunate and quite poorly handled. If you think that Windows Phone is dead and there will be no Microsoft mobile experience, you couldn’t be more wrong. Pure and simple.

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Pluralsight Webinar – Building Apps for Windows 10

You might be aware that Windows 10 has launched to the world and that Microsoft’s servers are being hammered from millions of people wanting to get the best Windows ever. Yes, I am biased because I have seen the development of the OS over the last 9 months, and I think Microsoft has got most things right (don’t get me started on setting default applications though).

With Windows 10 they are launching the Universal Windows Platform, allowing developers to target all Windows devices with a single app. This means you can target anything from phones to desktop to Xbox, even HoloLens with the same app.


I proposed to Pluralsight to do a Windows 10 webinar a few months back, and what do you know! Microsoft decided to launch Windows 10 on the date we had already set. It is a sign! I have done a few talks on the topic already, but I am hugely excited about Universal Apps and the promise they give, not the least the Universal App Bridges, which lets iOS and Android developers bring their code to the platform too.

The full length webinar is posted below for your enjoyment. Please post any questions in the comments below and I will answer each and every one of them.


Becoming Successful and Finding Your Own Strengths – Interview With Scott Allen

While at the Pluralsight Author Summit 2015 in Salt Lake City, I caught up with Scott Allen. We had a chat about the methods people learn and how you might fail at one way, but succeed at method number 17. We also talked about the success Scott has had with Pluralsight, and how this has changed his life, if at all.

He is one of the friendliest and nicest people I know and he is always willing to share experiences and advice, just like in the interview below. Enjoy.


Interviewing John Papa and Community Involvement

Back in March I interviewed the all around awesome guy John Papa on what it means to be involved in the “community” and why as a developer being in love with your craft, the community can help you excel and meet awesome guys and gals. John is involved in a great deal of community initiatives and shares with me how it has helped him and why he thinks it is so important.

We talk about DDD Melbourne, which is on 8 August this year (2015), an event I have a great deal of involvement and interesti in. And if you don’t understand what you can give and get from the community, take 12 minutes out of your day to watch the interview.

Below is the interview. It is a ripper.

Pluralsight Webinar – Building Windows Apps for Windows 10

It comes as no surprise to those who now me and read this blog that I have a soft spot for all things Windows development (well, most things at least). I have teed up with Pluralsight to present an online live webinar of all the ways you and build Windows apps. It will be an overview of how easy it is and how varied a skill set is now catered for. You will be surprised how much Microsoft loves everyone now.



The webinar takes place at 1 p.m., July 28th USA Pacific/ 6 a.m., July 29th AEST (yep, I am getting up early for you guys).


The event is completely free and you can sign up here now.


NDC Oslo Talk – Universal Windows Apps [VIDEO]

Last week I presented in Oslo on the new backbone of Windows 10 app development – Universal Windows Apps. The talk touched on all of the new initiatives coming out of Microsoft relating to building apps that run on anything from phones to IoT devices to HoloLens. You can even use your iOS objective C code and Android java code to create apps for the Windows eco-system.

The video is below. I hope you enjoy the session and the free bad jokes.

Universal Windows Apps – Develop for all Sizes – Lars Klint from NDC Conferences on Vimeo.

Going Solo – 5 Tips to Being an Independent Software Consultant

[This article was first published on gooroo.io]

I recently decided to do my own thing and be working for myself. This was not a decision that came overnight or easily, but rather required a lot of planning, hard work and dedication. Since then I have had a number of people not only congratulate me (which is nice) and wish me luck (which I hope I don’t need), but also ask “how do you do it?” My interpretation of this is not “How did you manage to quit your job”, but instead “How can you do it and not be completely petrified, stressed and worried about how you’ll support your family?” And that is a fair thought and question, hence I decided to try and provide some points of guidance on how to get to a point where you can be a master of your own time too.

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